Philips InRange ~ A different concept of lost and found

Actually, I have purchased and tried InRange about a month before The Tile is delivered to me.
Now, I would like to put up a review for InRange after I tried The Tile too.

There are many hypes on The Tile on the websites while few on InRange.
Surprisingly, I would have to say InRange have something that did right.


  1. It is designed to keep things together with you e.g. purse, wallet
  2. It will beep when the InRange tag is far away from your smartphone
  3. You can reversed fine where your phone by making your phone beep
  4. You can deactivate the reminder by GPS location e.g. home when you done keep purse together with phone
  5. It has Two distance warning mode: Close & Far
  1. Simple 

Standard Limitation:
  1. Bluetooth signal decrease over barriers (for more info on standard limitation, refer The Tile review)
    • My experience - I tagged my company access card (less than 1 feet away from my phone in pocket).  In a 2 hours meeting where I sat still,  I encountered more than two false alerts 
    • "Embarrassing" especially where I tried to explain this is a new tech... that has a glitch
  2. As it is using Bluetooth 4.0 LE, only iPhone 4S and above are supported


Areas of improvement:
  1. Using phone to disable beep
    • Currently, you have to re-establish bluetooth connection to silence it
    • Future, Phone app should have a quick access button to silence InRange tag
  2. Algorithm improvement
    • App in phone should have few tries before "beeping" as sometimes it is false alerts

Comparison of Philips InRange & The Tile will be consolidated in next post.
