Converting Chinese/ Non-English Text File to UTF-8 on Mac OSX

For those who have tried to covert Chinese/ Non-Chinese text tile to UTF-8 format on Mac OSX, you may be surprised by how difficult it is.

During my tried, I finally managed to conclude my final approach for UTF-8 conversion.

  1. Copy the txt file to "Username" root
  2. Rename txt file to a.txt
  3. Open Terminal App 
  4. Go to "Username" root folder (type cd / Then Enter)
  5. Paste command iconv -f cp936 -t utf-8 a.txt > a-utf8.txt
  6. Type Enter
  7. You can now rename the file back to any name you like and load it to your TXT reader that read UTF-8 format

At times where you wish to create Chinese/ Non-English language ebook e.g. Epub.
This method is important.

