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An English Watch Faces Guide for Ticwatch (Ticwear) with iOS [Updated 18May2016]

There is lack of english guide available.
I hope I can help the not Mandarin education ticwatch/ ticwear fan to benefit from my sharing.

Here you DONT NEED to:

  • Paste files into Window system 
  • Run Command prompt
  • Write ADB coding
  • Install and access FTP
  • Covert Ticwatch to developer mode

Ticwatch (

  • Considering i only want the notification on the go and nice watch faces, I have chosen Ticwatch 1st gen (without Apple MFI) = RM800+ include shipment to Malaysia.
  • Winning points:
            • Below RM1,000 which fits the product nature -- a gadget that likely only have 1 year lifespan.
            • Come with metal band
            • Compatible with iOS & Android
            • Android 5 OS overlay with Ticwear OS 3.4 overlay

Why this guide has a value?
  • User experience on Android and iOS is very different
  • iOS - limited watch faces & complicated to install new watch faces (not working most of the time); App almost non-existence
  • Android - installing new watch faces & app is a breeze. Watch faces are far more appealing on Android platform.
  • Of course, last but not least, my main phone is iPhone 6 Plus but i want to enjoy all the high quality watch faces.
  • Ticwatch
  • iPhone
  • Android Phone
Preparation Guides
  1. Pair with Android phone
    • Factory reset/ start your watch for the first time.
    • Choose Andoid platform (NOT Apple icon)
    • Follow pairing guide which will lead to download & install ticwatch app on Android phone
    • Open ticwatch app, pair with ticwatch.
  2. Inside ticwatch app,
    • Go to Store, download & install the Store
    • Exit ticwatch app
  3. Open Store app
    • There are may watch faces app available for usage, following are the chinese character for your copy paste:
      • Watch Maker Premium (MUST INSTALL)
      • 滴答表盘
      • 梦幻表盘
  4. Open watch maker premium/pro
    • Choose a digital watch face & select “Customize Watch”
    • Choose and highlight the "HOUR"

    • Scroll down to select“Tap Action”

    • Scroll down, select“Watch:Select Application”
    • Repeat the steps to choose the blank row until you see“苹果助手”Done. you will see as image below. Exit app.
iOS Pairing Guide
  1. Touch & hold the Watch's screen until watch face selection page appear
  2. Choose watch market premium & select the "customised" watch faces created above.
  3. Touch the "HOUR"
  4. Pairing with iOS is launch.
  5. Once connected, both notifications from iPhone & Android will be pushed to Ticwatch.
Watch Faces Resources -- Native in app:
  1. Many nice watch faces available for download & load to phone on:
    • 滴答表盘
    • 梦幻表盘
  2. Steps:
    1. Browse
    2. Download/ send to watch (if download, can send to phone later)
    3. If send to phone failed, make sure the same watch face app is activated on Ticwatch
    4. Once sent to watch, the watch faces are store on the ticwatch. Your watch faces can then operate without the Android phone.
Watch Faces Resources -- Side loads:
  1. Side loads resources normally has the nicest watch faces.
  2. Finding resources:
  3. All the watch picture are forum post
    • Register membership
    • Open the watch face you like
    • Go to the bottom of the page
    • Reply thank you etc and "submit"
    • Go back to the top, you will find a new dashbox area with a download link (some times with password)
    • Click and download it
    • The file name should be "*.watch" or "*.face", some times cleaning of file name required:
      • As above picture, delete ".rar"
      • If zip/rar file, unzip
  4. Preparing the watch faces
    • Copy all the watch faces into a single folder
    • OR Connect your Android phone to computer (if use computer to browse & download)
      • paste the watch faces folder into your Android phone
      • if your phone have space, put in internal SD to save import time
  5. Open watch maker premium/pro
    • Click the "IMPORT" arrow on top right of the app
    • Navigate to the watch faces folder you created
    • Import the watch faces one by one.
  6. Load to Ticwatch
    • Make sure Watch Maker Premium app is activated on Ticwatch
    • Click the arrow icon to load watch face to Ticwatch
    • Once sent to watch, the watch faces are store on the ticwatch. Your watch faces can then operate without the Android phone.

  1. Some app may not be able to locate geographic outside China resulting lack of weather information.
  2. Steps monitor on Ticwatch is less accurate.
  3. This guide should work for any Android watch installed with Ticwear OS.

Updated 18May2016:
  1. Based on usage, this mode of bluetooth connection is stable (rare to disconnect)
    • When you open the ticwear app on iphone, it will always show "connecting" then "connected"  -- push notification is always working 
  2. If your watch is disconnected with your phone due to 2 devices are too far apart.  The bluetooth connection will not recover automatically.
    • Fix - Open Ticwear app on iphone, off and on bluetooth. watch will be reconnected.
    • I also off my android phone bluetooth (only on when want to load new watch faces into ticwatch.
Updated 12Jul2017:

  1. iOS11 Public beta will break Ticwear app bluetooth connection with the watch


  1. I have a problem in the connection after the up grading of tic wear app in my iPhone . I just can't get thru the 1st step in the app . The app require me to register the chumen Wen Wen Ac before I can sign in the app . Previous app has no such problem . Pls advise . Thanks

    1. I have not updated it yet as my main phone is iPhone and watch face is manage by my android as per the blog. The upgrade likely won't improve my experience this never explore. You try to email ticwatch or check the forum and see

    2. You have to uninstall the previous version then install again, upgrading software will not work

    3. my push notification still works even though it will always ask to register. Just on/off bluetooth OR restart phone (and/or watch)

  2. I can't get pass the step of Watch: select application, the Apple assistance does not appear though I've through all the blanks many times

    1. did you try to select different element (hours or Minute)?
      if not wrong, not all element can set that attribute. also, some don't work. so choose element like hours and minute. that works for me.

    2. Ok. But now WM won't work, can't push any watch face. Other users facing same issue as mentioned in the apps comment

    3. Hi Kenny, i just tested. Still can trigger Apple assistance using steps above. My ticwear is 3.4.
      What is your phone model & os, watch OS?

    4. Sony Z3 6.0.1
      Ticwear should b 4.2

    5. just to recap:
      1) you only need apple assistant (as method above) if you are connecting both Android and ios at the same time.
      2) apple assitant option is "blank" as pic above. only show after click blank - test one by one
      3) This is first time connecting? what are your iphone model and os? forum has comment if ticwatch 4.3 & ios10. 4.2 seems ok.

    6. Update: On 15Sep, i have updated my tickwatch & iPhone 6 plus to latest OS. All works, including watch maker Pro on Android. You could try using watch maker pro from older android version. or find another apk for watch maker pro.

    7. Still didn't manage to find the Apple assistant, may I know which watch u chose for WM pro? Which watch face u used? Got to get down to details

    8. I tried a few watch face. Make sure it is big digital number like the one attached in above post. you can google chat with my email - will be easier to discuss

    9. Still can't hack it! Quite simple steps. What's google chat? Your email correct?

    10. Sorry is that a valid email? What's google chat?


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